Politics and religion meet.
The survey, which was conducted by the conservative American Enterprise Institute...
Survey: More than a quarter of white evangelicals believe core QAnon conspiracy theory

It was an appropriately spiritual beginning to a faith-infused day and what is shaping up to be an unapologetically religious presidential term for Biden...
For President Joe Biden, an Inauguration filled with faith

From succinct prayers to calls for Trump to ask the rioters to halt, the faith leaders' statements mostly appealed for unity.
Faith leaders react to mob at Capitol with prayers, calls for end to violence

Fusing faith, nationalism and fervent Trump fandom...
As ‘Jericho Marchers’ descend on Washington, local faith leaders brace for attacks

Warnock defeated Republican incumbent Kelly Loeffler.
Warnock makes history with Senate win as Dems near majority

Biden’s rhetoric took a turn for the spiritual near the close of his speech...
Biden laces Electoral College victory speech with Scripture and Prayer of St. Francis

In a pair of widely shared Twitter videos, a group of people identified by conservative outlet Daily Caller as Proud Boys...
‘Proud Boys’ burn Black Lives Matter signs at churches in Washington

In the original suit, filed in October, Falwell claimed the school’s board pressured him to resign...
Jerry Falwell Jr. drops defamation lawsuit against Liberty University