John Ross
While 41 percent of Protestant churchgoers say they consume alcohol, 59 percent say they do not.
Study: Most churchgoers still abstain from alcohol

by Carol Pipes NASHVILLE (BP), Nov. 27, 2018 — Most churchgoers say the Bible teaches against drunkenness. But that doesn’t stop about 4 in 10 from taking a drink nowRead More
Yet here I am, quite well actually,,,
Evangelist Luis Palau Offers Positive Update on His Health

BATAVIA, IL, Nov. 25, 2018 – International evangelist Luis Palau in his 2018 Thanksgiving letter and message expressed graditude that his current health condition has stabilized. His letter noted “DiagnosedRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Saddleback Church Pastor Rick Warren recovering at home after emergency surgery – The Orange County Register
Warren is still expected to preach during the Christmas season, one of his busiest times of the year. Source: Saddleback Church Pastor Rick Warren recovering at home after emergency surgeryRead More