John Ross
Pelosi noted that she had long worked with evangelicals on comprehensive immigration reform.
Pelosi, DeVos address Christian educators on policy and faith

by: Adelle M. Banks Jan 30, 2019 -WASHINGTON (RNS) – ”Hours before post-shutdown conversations began on immigration and border security on Capitol Hill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told a groupRead More
Tech Shabbat is a modern twist on an ancient religious practice...
The science of Sabbath: How people are rediscovering rest – and claiming its benefits

by: Emily McFarlan Miller Jan 25, 2019 (RNS) – Tiffany Shlain built her career by being online almost all the time. She founded the Webby Awards, which honor the bestRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Wearing a Trump hat? That’s not exactly pro-life, says Catholic Bishop John Stowe
That Catholic students in the March for Life wore the slogan of a politician who denigrates immigrants, refugees and foreigners is evidence that Catholics’ opposition to abortion has become separatedRead More
Extremists in the U.S. killed 50 people in 2018...
As Muslim extremism nosedives, researchers question law enforcement’s focus

by: Yonat Shimron January 25, 2019 (RNS) — Two reports on extremist attacks in the United States document a marked decline in the number of Muslim Americans associated with extremist acts. ExtremistsRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Like Americans overall, U.S. Catholics are sharply divided by party – Pew Research Center
On a number of issues, Catholic partisans often express opinions more in line with their political parties’ positions than with their church’s teachings. Source: Like Americans overall, U.S. Catholics areRead More
I see you, I am here. To be recognized, to be noticed. It means we are not alone.
Seeing each other in the public square: The lessons of Covington Catholic

by: William Muller Jan 23, 2019 (RNS) – A Jesuit friend of mine is the president of St. George’s College, a Jesuit high school in Zimbabwe. He tells me thatRead More