John Ross
The argument behind these bills alleges that a heartbeat is a sign of life.
Opinion: Could draconian abortion bans reverse Roe — and unite Christians in opposition?

The most disappointing former pro-life Democrat, however, has been the senior senator from Pennsylvania, Bob Casey Jr.
Opinion: The (national) fall and (local) rise of pro-life Democrats

Jimmy Carter suffered a broken hip Monday as he was leaving to go turkey hunting.
Jimmy Carter to teach Sunday school days after breaking hip

It doesn't seem to be a high priority, and even those like Nadler who have spoken out about the oath don't seem to have firm views.
Opinion: A fight over ‘So help me God’? God help us

Archbishop Theophile Nare of the diocese of Kaya expressed pain at the deaths and appealed for peace, while paying tribute to the dead priest.
Sowing division, Islamists target Christians in Burkina Faso

Ramadan is an opportunity for Christians as well, especially evangelicals...
Opinion: How evangelicals can support Muslims this Ramadan

Vanier, a Catholic who believed people with developmental disabilities were intrinsically worthy...
‘Intrinsically worthy’: Jean Vanier’s legacy to people with disabilities

"Fantastic news that Asia Bibi appears to have left Pakistan safely," [British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt]
Asia Bibi, a Christian woman acquitted of blasphemy, leaves Pakistan