John Ross
Editor's Links of Interest
Aurora, Communities in Schools event prepares children for start of new school year – The Beacon-News
The 25th annual event was co-sponsored by the city of Aurora and Communities in Schools. Source: Aurora, Communities in Schools event prepares children for start of new school year –Read More
Greg Zanis from Aurora, Illinois
For 23 years, he’s delivered crosses after massacres. This was his hardest week yet – CNN
Greg Zanis has honored victims of tragedies since 1996. This week marked the first time he had to drive from one shooting location directly to another. Source: For 23 years,Read More
Editor's Links of Interest
The public didn’t get the memo that Chick-fil-A is a terrible place to eat – The Christian Post
To the consternation of the haters and antichristian bigots, Fox reports that “Chick-fil-A is officially America’s favorite fast food restaurant.” Source: The public didn’t get the memo that Chick-fil-A isRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Wayside’s child sex offenders in Aurora are staying put for now. What about the other sex offenders the city warned? – The Beacon-News
After attempts to evict them, child sex offenders at Aurora’s Wayside Cross can stay for now. But what about the other sex offenders told by the city they must move?Read More
"He does not judge people by the color of their skin," said the Rev. Robert Jeffress...
Leaders of religious right balk at labeling Trump a racist

by: David Crary NEW YORK, Aug. 1, 2019 (AP) — Many religious leaders have strongly condemned President Donald Trump’s disparaging remarks about minority members of Congress. Prominent figures on theRead More
A prayer vigil tomorrow- Sunday, July 28 at 12:00 p.m. at the corner of Benton and 4th.
Church calls for prayer vigil after fatal shooting

Saturday, July 27, 2019 Note from the Rev. Jeff Moore, senior pastor, of First Presbyterian Church – Aurora... “In response to the tragic, senseless violence that took theRead More
This order does not restrain the Kane County State's Attorney's Office from future prosecutions in relationship to this matter.
Wayside Cross Ministries residents gain a temporary restraining order

AURORA, Ill., July 25, 2019 — The Wayside Cross Ministries (WCM) residents who are registered child sex offenders have been granted a temporary restraining order by Judge Rebecca Pallmeyer ofRead More