John Ross
“Christian nationalists have indicated over several studies that … they are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories...
How Christian nationalism predicts whether you wear a mask

by: Jack Jenkins Oct. 9, 2020 (RNS) — The divisions that the coronavirus pandemic has caused in the United States — with some viewing social distancing restrictions as sensible andRead More
The cut will go into effect in fall 2021, reducing Gordon’s tuition to $25,250 and its annual “sticker price”...
Gordon College cuts tuition to make Christian education more accessible

by: Paul O’Donnell (Kathryn Post) Oct. 8, 2020 (RNS) — Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts, announced a 33% tuition cut Thursday (Oct. 8), joining two other Council for Christian CollegesRead More
News from World Relief
National Association of Evangelicals and World Relief Launch Statement on Civic Responsibility With Robust Advertising Campaign

WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 6, 2020 — Today, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) and World Relief launched a statement titled, “A Call to Civic Responsibility: For the Health of the Nation,” inviting theRead More
The back and forth may be part of a bigger problem for the LifeWay board of trustees: the Christian publisher’s steep financial challenges.
LifeWay lawsuit against former CEO Thom Rainer remains on file

by: Yonat Shimron Oct. 2, 2020 (RNS) — First it sued its former CEO. Then it said it would seek a negotiated settlement. But now, the Southern Baptist Convention’s publishingRead More
Among the first to pray: former Vice President Joe Biden, Trump's rival in the current presidential race.
Faith leaders offer prayers as President Trump tests positive for COVID-19

by: Bob Smietana Oct. 2, 2020 (RNS) — As news of President Donald Trump’s positive COVID-19 test spread, prayers began flowing for his recovery and for the recovery of FirstRead More
In recent weeks, several faith-based organizations involved in refugee resettlement had asked the administration to raise that number to its past average: 95,000.
Faith-based organizations express outrage over plan to cut refugee admissions to historic low — again

by: Emily McFarlan Miller Oct. 1, 2020 (RNS) — The Trump administration has announced the maximum number of refugees it plans to admit into the United States in the comingRead More