John Ross
[A]nnounces support for H.R. 4796, the "Uniting and Securing America" (USA) Act of 2018
USCCB Committee on Migration Chairman Endorses USA Act and Calls for Immediate Legislative Solution for Dreamers

WASHINGTON, April 25, 2018—The chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Migration, Bishop Joe Vásquez, of Austin Texas, announces support for H.R. 4796, the “Uniting and Securing America” (USA) Act of 2018Read More
Chapel Highlights '88 Wheaton Graduate Andrew Brunson
Church Leader Urges Wheaton College Chapel to Pray, Tweet, & Letter Write on Behalf of Imprisoned Andrew Brunson

Today at Wheaton College (IL) the focus of their morning chapel service was on imprisoned American pastor Andrew Brunson, Wheaton College ’88. Brunson has been detained for 17 months. HeRead More