John Ross
Bishop Michael Curry, author of 'Crazy Christians: A Call to Follow Jesus'
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle asked an American bishop to preach at their wedding | CNN
(CNN) – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have invited an American bishop to give the address at the royal wedding on May 19. Source: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle askedRead More
A look at hostage diplomacy
Germany Freed Its Citizens In Turkey. So Why Is American Pastor Andrew Brunson Rotting In A Turkish Prison? Via @dailycaller
Because of Erdogan’s hostage diplomacy, Turkey has become a trap for foreigners Source: Germany Freed Its Citizens In Turkey. So Why Is American Pastor Andrew Brunson Rotting In A TurkishRead More
[N}early eleven hours of proceedings
Turkey Postpones Hearing to July 18, Sends Pastor Andrew Brunson Back to Prison

“The judge’s decision at the conclusion of today’s hearing to dismiss all of the witnesses called by Pastor Brunson’s defense without listening to a single minute of their testimony isRead More
Trial to Re-Start Monday, May 7
Brunson’s trial highlights Turkey’s ‘hostage diplomacy’ tactic | World Watch Monitor
On the eve of jailed US pastor Andrew Brunson’s second court hearing in Turkey, growing international comment has focused on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s transparent “hostage diplomacy” tactic, oneRead More