Flowing Forth UMC is the only Chicago-area Methodist church holding drive-in services.
Aurora Methodists extend drive-in worship services

Flowing Forth UMC is the only Chicago-area Methodist church holding drive-in services. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Flowing Forth UMC recently extended drive-in worship services through Oct. 31. Worshipers may sit outside their vehicles with socially distancing.
The public is invited. Weather permitting, outdoor worship services are held at 10 a.m. Sundays in the west parking lot at Aurora Christian School, 2255 Sullivan Rd. in Aurora. Services are also held online.
Rev. Derek Rogers of North Aurora, Flowing Forth lead pastor, said his sermon series is “Kingdom Come: The Message of Revelations for Today.” His Aug. 30 sermon will explore “When the Kingdom Comes on Earth.” The Revelations series concludes Sept. 6 with “When the Kingdom Comes Eternally.”
According to Rev. Rogers, “By far the most confusing and strange book in all of the Bible is Revelations. There are weird and enigmatic symbols—a multi-headed dragon; two other strange beasts; a variety of seals, bowls and trumpets; and four multicolored horses.
“There are images of God on the throne; a heavenly assembly of people from every tribe, tongue, and nation; and New Jerusalem with its streets paved with gold.
“Despite all of this alien imagery and unsettling language, we are still drawn to this final book of the Bible because it is said to be a vision of what will soon take place. This sermon series seeks to make sense of Revelations and what its message means for us today.
” Rev. Rogers explained drive-in worship. He said, “A drive-in worship service works like a drive-in movie theater, allowing us to hold an in-person worship service while still respecting social distancing.
“We gather in the parking lot and stay in or sit near our vehicles. A greeter will direct drivers where to park vehicles, at least six feet apart. Tune car radios to broadcast frequency 1660 AM to listen to the music, prayers, and sermon.”
No bulletins or handouts are provided. The building and restrooms are not open.
Prayer requests can be submitted prior to the service through the church website or by texting Pastor Rogers during the service.
Communion will be celebrated. To participate, worshippers should bring bread and juice. The pastor will bless the elements from a distance during the service.
A freewill collection for church programs and food donations for Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry in Aurora will be accepted as motorists exit the parking lot.
Call (630) 239-2321 or visit flowingforthumc.org for more information.
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Al Benson
Al Benson is an Aurora-based freelance photo-journalist. He is currently an archives research specialist at Aurora University. His work has appeared in The Voice, The Daily Herald, The Beacon-News, and the Chicago Tribune.
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