(Rev. Bill Obalil) succeeds Rev. John Bell who has begun a four-month renewal leave scheduled to end Aug. 12.

Aurora’s Wesley United Methodist Church names interim pastor

by Al Benson
AURORA, Ill., April 28, 2019—Rev. Bill Obalil of Arlington Heights has assumed duties as interim pastor at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora.

Obalil debuted in the Wesley UMC pulpit Sunday (April 28), preaching on “Hope Reborn.” He succeeds Rev. John Bell who has begun a four-month renewal leave scheduled to end Aug. 12.

Wesley United Methodist Church Senior Pastor John Bell
Rev. John Bell (on leave April-August 2019) Photo from Wesley website

Bell said, “I am grateful for this opportunity to step away from the daily activities of the congregation to find opportunities for rest and renewal. When you see me around town and at church I look forward to catching up and staying connected.”

A native of Chicago, Obalil grew up in LaGrange. Before retiring in 2015, he served churches as an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church Northern Illinois Conference for 43 years. His last appointment was as senior pastor of the United Methodist Church of Geneva for 15 years.

Obalil’sfamily includes his wife Kaye, three married children, six grandchildren and a granddog. Retirement activities encompass reading the New York Times, volunteering for Northern IllinoisI Justice for Our Neighbors, mentoring ministerial candidates for ministry, riding his bicycle 75 miles a week and chauffeuring and attending grandchildren’s activities..

Call (630) 896-1033 for more information.

Visit the Wesley UMC website… https://www.wesleyumcaurora.org/

View more stories at… https://xpian.news/category/aurora/

Al Benson
Freelance Photo-Journalist

Al Benson is an Aurora-based freelance photo-journalist. He is currently an archives research specialist at Aurora University. His work has appeared in The Voice, The Daily Herald, The Beacon-News, and the Chicago Tribune.

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