"Giving something up is designed to make us more like Christ."
‘Fear and Anxiety’ to be Aurora pastor’s sermon topic Sunday

AURORA, Ill., March 17, 2019–“Fear and Anxiety,” the third of seven sermons themed “Give It Up” for Lent, will be delivered by Rev. Derek Rogers on Sunday, March 24, at 10 a.m. at at Flowing Forth United Methodist Church. Worship services are held at Aurora Christian School, 2255 Sullivan Rd. in Aurora.
The public is invited. Parking is free. Refreshments and fellowship precede worship services.
The sermon series continues with:
March 31: “Apathy”
April 7: “Resentment and Bitterness”
April 14 (Palm Sunday): “Self-Sufficiency”
April 21 (Easter): “Give Up your Life”
Rev. Rogers said, “During the season of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter, many people give something up. Some do it out of tradition, some do it to feel better about themselves, others do it because they think it will help them relate to the suffering of Jesus.
“Giving something up is designed to make us more like Christ. We are called to cut out those things that are hindering our relationship with God and neighbor. It’s not supposed to be a 40-day ‘let’s see how much self-control I can have’—sort of thing.
“We’re called to a lifestyle change where we give up what is standing in our way of becoming more like Christ–and take up practices that will draw us closer to Him. So this Lent, don’t give up the chocolate or social media–unless you really think it helps you draw closer to Jesus–and instead give up something really bad.”
Call (630) 239-2321 for more information.
More information on Flowing Forth UMC is available at: https://www.flowingforthumc.org/
Related articles at XPian News: https://xpian.news/category/aurora/

Al Benson
Al Benson is an Aurora-based freelance photo-journalist. He is currently an archives research specialist at Aurora University. His work has appeared in The Voice, The Daily Herald, The Beacon-News, and the Chicago Tribune.
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