The first of six prayer booths by church volunteers.

Aurora Methodists to offer bilingual prayer-booth ‘help desk’ at Aurora farmer’s market June 11

For a fifth year, Fourth Street United Methodist Church in Aurora will offer a prayer booth amid fruits, vegetables and other wares at the downtown Aurora farmer’s market this summer.

The first of six prayer booths by church volunteers will be held from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, June 11, at the Metra station, 233 N. Broadway in Aurora.

Other scheduled dates are July 2 and 23, Aug. 13, Sept. 3 and 24.

The public is invited. Free prayers, literature and refreshments, including bottled water and dog biscuits for pets, will offered. Donations will be accepted.

Rev. Deborah Tinsley Taylor, church pastor, said the booth is called the HELP–He eternally loves and protects– desk.

According to Rev. Taylor, volunteers will pray with booth visitors or they can leave a written request.

Prayers will be available in English or Spanish.

Volunteers,.called pray-ers or prayer partners, have answered up to 20 requests at previous booths.

Prayer partners undergo several hours of training by Rev. Taylor before praying with the public.

According to Rev. Taylor, two to four volunteers will stand with visitors, hear their requests and pray with them.

“Some people may want to join hands. In some instances we may lay hands on them, depending on the leading of the Holy Spirit.

“Hugs may be exchanged during the morning as the Spirit leads.”

Rev. Taylor said Orr said volunteers will offer bottled water, dog biscuits, pens, prayer cards, prayer tips and a brochure listing upcoming church events. Mini-loaves of home-baked breads will be offered for a donation.

The prayer booth is the market’s first such offering in its 100-year history, the oldest in Illinois.

Rev. Taylor added, “This prayer ministry involves praying out loud for people who probably don’t attend our church.

“They may have experience with prayer for or with another, or no experience with prayer.

“Their concerns may be small or great. For pray-ers, this can be a very positive and uplifting experience.

“Prayer is the best wireless connection.

“God answers knee-mail. He is only a prayer away,” Rev. Taylor said.

2016 marks the 125th anniversary of the church at 551 S. Fourth St. in Aurora.

Sunday offerings include church school at 8:45 a.m. and worship service at 10 a.m. The public is invited.

Congregants are planning a float for the Aurora July 4 parade.

Call (630) 897-5257 for more information.

Al Benson
Freelance Photo-Journalist

Al Benson is an Aurora-based freelance photo-journalist. He is currently an archives research specialist at Aurora University. His work has appeared in The Voice, The Daily Herald, The Beacon-News, and the Chicago Tribune.

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