Tag: Tony Evans
Lois Irene Evans, beloved wife of Tony Evans for 49 years and founder of Pastors' Wives Ministry...
Lois Evans, wife to pastor Tony Evans, dies at age 70

by Jon D. Wilke DALLAS, Jan. 2, 2020 (BP) — Lois Irene Evans, beloved wife of Tony Evans for 49 years and founder of Pastors’ Wives Ministry, passed away Dec.Read More
Now he has a new title: the first African American to have both a study Bible and a full-Bible commentary with his name.
Tony Evans: On his new Bible and commentary, Kirk Franklin boycott, wife’s health

by: Adelle M. Banks DALLAS, Nov. 13, 2019 (RNS) — Pastor Tony Evans has been a megachurch leader, a radio broadcaster and the author of dozens of books. Now heRead More
Tony Evans publishes historic study Bible and commentary