Tag: Tim Blackmon
Blackmon pinned the investigation on “a handful of injudicious comments”...
Racial slur, ‘The Idiot’s Guide to Kama Sutra’ led to chaplain’s firing, says Wheaton College

by: Emily McFarlan Miller CHICAGO, July 9, 2020 (RNS) — The Rev. Tim Blackmon repeatedly referred to an Asian American colleague by a racial slur and had “The Idiot’s GuideRead More
“We lament this situation and pray for all who have been affected by these events, as well as for Reverend Blackmon and his family.”
Wheaton College chaplain fired over allegations of ‘racial and sexual’ comments

by: Emily McFarlan Miller CHICAGO, July 7, 2020 (RNS) — Wheaton College has fired its chaplain over allegations of “inappropriate comments and actions of a racial and sexual nature towardRead More
Chapel Highlights '88 Wheaton Graduate Andrew Brunson
Church Leader Urges Wheaton College Chapel to Pray, Tweet, & Letter Write on Behalf of Imprisoned Andrew Brunson

Today at Wheaton College (IL) the focus of their morning chapel service was on imprisoned American pastor Andrew Brunson, Wheaton College ’88. Brunson has been detained for 17 months. HeRead More
He claims the investigation that followed was “egregiously unfair” and called the college’s statements full of “factual errors.”
Fired from Wheaton, former chaplain Tim Blackmon speaks out on allegations, what’s next