Tag: Survey
The survey of 6,485 U.S. adults polled online in September...
Survey: Americans think bad things just happen; God is not responsible

by: Yonat Shimron Nov. 23, 2021 (RNS) — Few Americans blame God when bad things happen in their lives, according to a new Pew Research Center survey that looks atRead More
Among Catholics overall, Biden — himself a Catholic — fought Trump to a stalemate
Study: Trump expanded evangelical support in 2020, but Biden gained with other white Christians

by: Jack Jenkins WASHINGTON, July 2, 2021 (RNS) — A new survey reports former President Donald Trump expanded his robust support among white evangelicals in the 2020 election, but PresidentRead More
The survey, which was conducted by the conservative American Enterprise Institute...
Survey: More than a quarter of white evangelicals believe core QAnon conspiracy theory

by: Jack Jenkins Feb. 11, 2021 (RNS) — A new survey reports more than a quarter of white evangelical Protestants believe a QAnon conspiracy theory that purports former President DonaldRead More
A study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research of pastors at evangelical and historically black churches...
Vast majority of pastors see signs of end times in current events

by Aaron Earls NASHVILLE, April 7, 2020 (BP) — Almost 9 in 10 pastors see at least some current events matching those Jesus said would occur shortly before He returnsRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
New Study Reveals White Evangelicals’ Troubling Beliefs On Race And Immigration – Huffington Post
Echoing Trump’s rhetoric, many white evangelical Protestants say immigrants threaten American society, a Public Religion Research Institute study found. Source: New Study Reveals White Evangelicals’ Troubling Beliefs On Race AndRead More
25 percent of American Christians believe in what Pew described as 'God or another higher power'
Pew: 25% of survey’s Christians don’t buy biblical God

by Diana Chandler WASHINGTON, April 27, 2018 (BP) — A fourth of self-identified Christians don’t believe fully in the biblical description of God, Pew Research Center said in its latestRead More
As a whole, outside of Christianity, men are less religious than women.
Pew: Christian women more devout than Christian men

by Aaron Earls NASHVILLE, April 10, 2018 (BP) — Pew Research has found a significant gender gap concerning religious beliefs and practice among self-identified Christian men and women in America.Read More