Tag: Russell Moore
Graham, one of the president’s evangelical advisers, felt that Moore’s criticisms of Trump and his evangelical supporters was out of bounds.
Dispute over Russell Moore, politics, Trump and money for missions behind ERLC review

Southern Baptist leaders fear controversy over Moore could lead to a drop in donations.
Trump critic Russell Moore, ERLC to face scrutiny by Southern Baptists

[T]he ERLC continues to work with other members of EIT to advocate for a solution to immigration reform.
EXPLAINER: ERLC, George Soros and Evangelical Immigration Table

The number of abortions fell in one year by more than 13,000 to 623,471 in 2016...
New report shows abortions continue to decline

Nevertheless, the vitriol of recent months has created misunderstandings about evangelicals themselves.
Opinion: Who’s an evangelical and who gets to decide?

"He does not judge people by the color of their skin," said the Rev. Robert Jeffress...
Leaders of religious right balk at labeling Trump a racist

Jerry Falwell's awkward tweet response
Jerry Falwell Jr. takes on SBC’s Russell Moore on migrant children at the border

The speech on the right is getting out of hand.
Opinion: The “white evangelical” problem, Trump, Nazi, and Jim Wallis

Southern Baptist ethicist Russell Moore urged senators to support the bill hours before the vote.
Bill to protect abortion survivors dies in Senate