Tag: Rome
The pope’s alleged remarks constitute an apparent rejection of some conservative Catholics in the U.S.
Biden: Pope called me a ‘good Catholic,’ said to ‘keep receiving Communion’

by: Jack Jenkins Oct. 29, 2021 (RNS) — President Joe Biden told reporters on Friday (Oct. 29) that when he met with Pope Francis earlier in the day, the pontiffRead More
“The gift is completely free, unearned by any of us, pure grace.”
Pope Francis: “Tonight (Christmas eve) cannot be explained in any other way: it is purely grace.”

Pope Francis: Nativity of the Lord – Midnight Mass 24.12.2020“ Pope Francis 24.12.20 Midnight Mass, Vatican Basilica Solemnity of the Nativity of the LordIsaiah 9: 1-6, TitusRead More