Tag: Racism
Specifically, as Balmer shows, it was government interference in “segregation academies”
Randall Balmer on why racism, not abortion, birthed the religious right

by: Yonat Shimron Sept. 22, 2021 (RNS) — White evangelicals have long held that the 1973 Supreme Court ruling legalizing abortion propelled the rise of the political movement known asRead More
[Pastor] Beaman was joined by leaders of the AME denomination, who are preparing a statement decrying the ad to be released on Monday.
Black church leaders demand apology for Trump ad

by: Jack Jenkins Sept. 13, 2020 (RNS) — Leaders of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the pastor of an AME congregation in Wilmington, Delaware, are condemning a Trump-Pence campaignRead More
Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) announced Tuesday (July 21) it will remove Sanger’s name from its Manhattan Health Center...
Pro-lifers: More needed to disavow Sanger’s eugenics legacy

by:Tom Strode WASHINGTON, July 22, 2020 (BP) — Pro-life advocates, including a Southern Baptist, welcomed a Planned Parenthood affiliate’s repudiation of founder Margaret Sanger’s eugenics advocacy but said the country’sRead More
Patterson feared Luter would fail to nominate future leaders of denominational boards and agencies who would continue the conservative resurgence...
Paige Patterson feared backslide after election of first black SBC president

by: Adelle M. Banks Nov. 14, 2019 (RNS) — A newly discovered letter from one former prominent leader of the Southern Baptist Convention to another reveals a depth of mistrustRead More
Franklin made the announcement on Monday (Oct. 28) in a pair of videos posted to Twitter.
Kirk Franklin to boycott Dove Awards, says comments about race were cut from speech

by: Jack Jenkins Oct. 28, 2019 (RNS) — Prominent gospel musician Kirk Franklin says he will boycott the Christian music Dove Awards, citing frustrations with the Gospel Music Association andRead More
"He does not judge people by the color of their skin," said the Rev. Robert Jeffress...
Leaders of religious right balk at labeling Trump a racist

by: David Crary NEW YORK, Aug. 1, 2019 (AP) — Many religious leaders have strongly condemned President Donald Trump’s disparaging remarks about minority members of Congress. Prominent figures on theRead More