Tag: Lebanon
Teaching focused on Pentecost in the Jewish traditions...
A Beautiful Modern-day Pentecost Picture: Messiah for Muslims Second Spring 2021 Retreat

Roselle, Ill., May 26, 2021 — 5 Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. 6 And at this sound the multitude came together,Read More
A personal journey...
Hesham Shehab: The ‘Switzerland of the Middle East’ was destroyed 45 years ago today… What Should Americans Learn?

Hesham Shehab CHICAGO, April 13, 2020 — On April 13, 1975, Lebanon was plunged into a civil war that destroyed the “Switzerland of the Middle East” forever. I lost myRead More
A weekend of prayer
Split the Cedars of Lebanon: Evangelicals Balance Prayer, Protest, and Politics in Ongoing Uprising – Christianity Today
With a prayer tent going up in Beirut square, participants see a “spiritual dimension” to anti-corruption demonstrations. Source: Split the Cedars of Lebanon: Evangelicals Balance Prayer, Protest, and Politics inRead More