Tag: India
Work of Drs. Maria Elena Bottazzi & Peter Hotez
CORBEVAX, a new patent-free COVID-19 vaccine, could be a pandemic game changer globally

CORBEVAX, a new patent-free COVID-19 vaccine, could be a pandemic game changer globally CORBEVAX uses recombinant DNA technology that many countries already have the infrastructure to produce. Artis777 via iStock/Getty ImagesRead More
Teaching focused on Pentecost in the Jewish traditions...
A Beautiful Modern-day Pentecost Picture: Messiah for Muslims Second Spring 2021 Retreat

Roselle, Ill., May 26, 2021 — 5 Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. 6 And at this sound the multitude came together,Read More
Christians in the former state of Jammu and Kashmir in northern India have suffered increased persecution...
Christian persecution spikes in Hindu-nationalist India

by Diana Chandler INDIA, Nov. 22, 2019 (BP) — Regaining consciousness after attackers left him for dead in his house church in eastern India, pastor Basant Kumar Paul proclaimed heRead More
The Christian nonprofit has been partnering with Christian artists and authors over the past four decades
Compassion International’s Roadshow Tour combines music and ministry

by: Steve Rabey Mar 1, 2019 (RNS) — Compassion International encourages people to “Sponsor a child today!” — donating a small monthly amount to help a child in poverty goRead More
Global org releases annual list of worst religious persecution offenders
Persecution in world’s two most-populous countries escalates to troubling levels

WASHINGTON — The 2019 Open Doors World Watch List reveals disturbing revelations for the world’s two most populous countries—India and China—which have seen a dramatic increase in the persecution against Christians. As theyRead More
The Sentinelese are an isolated people group known to rain down arrows on outsiders...
‘Crazy’ or called?: Missionary’s death debated

by David Roach ANDAMAN ISLANDS, India (BP), Nov. 26, 2018 — The last reported sighting of American missionary John Allen Chau was Nov. 17. Fishermen off the coast of India’sRead More