Tag: Hesham Shehab
If you refuse to identify and call it what it is then you are in danger from suffering its ravages.
Hesham Shehab: Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon

Sermon text preached by Rev. Hesham Shehab Sunday, July 17, 2022 Holy Trinity Lutheran, Burbank, IL Text: Luke 8:26-19, English Standard Version Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon 26 ThenRead More
A theology of danger and martyrdom is not a prominent theme in our churches today.
Hesham Shehab: Did the Reformation Lack Missionary Zeal?

Did the Reformation Lack Missionary Zeal? The Reformation is known for bringing the Gospel to light, but it is accused of lacking an intentional the missionary spirit to bring itRead More
Missionaries today are more likely to be teachers or facilitators...
Mission Tests Our Christian Faith: Do Christians live the Great Commission?

Mission Tests Our Christian Faith Do Christians live the Great Commission? Ideally speaking, we would expect this much: All Christians are involved in mission after having received the good newsRead More
The June retreat focused on the benefits of Christian retreats...
Salam’s Retreats; Spiritual Growth and Lasting Memories

Kingston, Ill., June 14, 2021 — After the COVID-19 epidemic receded, the leaders at Salam Christian Fellowship decided to hold a monthly retreat through the months of spring, summer, andRead More
And Jesus says the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.
Hesham Shehab: Because of Jesus, A Mustard Seed of Faith Could Change the World

Sermon text preached by Rev. Hesham Shehab Sunday, June 13, 2021 Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church Text: Matthew 13:31-32 Because of Jesus, A Mustard Seed of Faith Could Change the WorldRead More