Tag: Catholic
In August, Pope Francis joined bishops in North and South America to encourage faithful and nonfaithful alike to receive the vaccine, calling it “an act of love.”
Pope Francis, emeritus pope among group given third dose of COVID-19 vaccine

The (Faith Communities Today) survey, fielded just before the coronavirus lockdown, finds that half of the country’s estimated 350,000 religious congregations had 65 or fewer people in attendance on any given weekend.
Study: Attendance hemorrhaging at small and midsize US congregations

While the Evangelical Covenant Church has been working on its resolution for the past five years...
Evangelical Covenant Church joins list of Protestant denominations rebuking Doctrine of Discovery

Among Catholics overall, Biden — himself a Catholic — fought Trump to a stalemate
Study: Trump expanded evangelical support in 2020, but Biden gained with other white Christians

Perhaps not surprisingly, nearly half of white evangelicals in the U.S. (49%) said their faith grew stronger...
Survey: Americans most likely to say pandemic has boosted their faith

A small but vocal minority wants to punish the new president for his support of legalized abortion...
Catholic bishops split on how to deal with Biden – Opinion