Tag: Baptist Press
'My gladiator lay down his shield and gained his wings at 02:30,' his father, Tom Evans, 21, said...
Family, supporters mourn death of Alfie Evans

by Lynde Langdon/WORLD News Service LIVERPOOL, England, April 30, 2018 (BP) — Alfie Evans, the sick toddler at the center of a legal battle over his treatment in Britain, diedRead More
25 percent of American Christians believe in what Pew described as 'God or another higher power'
Pew: 25% of survey’s Christians don’t buy biblical God

by Diana Chandler WASHINGTON, April 27, 2018 (BP) — A fourth of self-identified Christians don’t believe fully in the biblical description of God, Pew Research Center said in its latestRead More
Hybels told the church Tuesday night, "I've been accused of many things I simply did not do."
Bill Hybels resigns amid misconduct accusations

by Lisa Cannon Green SOUTH BARRINGTON, Ill., April 11, 2018 (BP) — Bill Hybels, the pastor who grew Willow Creek Community Church into one of the nation’s most influential megachurches,Read More