Tag: African-American
The total number of Aurora cases as of April 23 is 428 and 7 deaths.
Latest City of Aurora numbers see a jump in the Hispanic makeup of COVID-19 cases

AURORA, Ill., April 24, 2020 — Yesterday’s City of Aurora data on COVID-19 shows that 55.67% of cases are now of a Hispanic background. This number is a jump fromRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Rev. Clay Evans, civil rights leader, evangelical broadcaster and gospel icon, dies at 94 – Chicago Sun-Times
Rev. Clay Evans was “a prophet, a priest, and a pastor to both parishioners and pastors,” said U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) Source: Rev. Clay Evans, civil rights leader, evangelicalRead More
Patterson feared Luter would fail to nominate future leaders of denominational boards and agencies who would continue the conservative resurgence...
Paige Patterson feared backslide after election of first black SBC president

by: Adelle M. Banks Nov. 14, 2019 (RNS) — A newly discovered letter from one former prominent leader of the Southern Baptist Convention to another reveals a depth of mistrustRead More
Now he has a new title: the first African American to have both a study Bible and a full-Bible commentary with his name.
Tony Evans: On his new Bible and commentary, Kirk Franklin boycott, wife’s health

by: Adelle M. Banks DALLAS, Nov. 13, 2019 (RNS) — Pastor Tony Evans has been a megachurch leader, a radio broadcaster and the author of dozens of books. Now heRead More
The United States is steadily becoming less Christian and the number of people with no religion is rising.
Pew report: Older US Christians being quickly replaced by young ‘nones’

by: Yonat Shimron Oct. 17, 2019 (RNS) — The United States is steadily becoming less Christian and the number of people with no religion is rising. Those are the twinRead More
Nevertheless, the vitriol of recent months has created misunderstandings about evangelicals themselves.
Opinion: Who’s an evangelical and who gets to decide?

by: Paul O’Donnell Sept. 23, 2019 (RNS) — The most often repeated story about religion and politics these days is the evangelical love affair with Donald Trump. Virtually every weekRead More
Tony Evans publishes historic study Bible and commentary