The (Faith Communities Today) survey, fielded just before the coronavirus lockdown, finds that half of the country’s estimated 350,000 religious congregations had 65 or fewer people in attendance on any given weekend.
Study: Attendance hemorrhaging at small and midsize US congregations

by: Yonat Shimron Oct.14, 2021 (RNS) — A new survey of 15,278 religious congregations across the United States confirms trends sociologists have documented for several decades: Congregational life across theRead More
The revelation about Trump’s religious identity appeared in an interview that was conducted in writing...
Trump, confirmed a Presbyterian, now identifies as ‘non-denominational Christian’

by: Jack Jenkins WASHINGTON, Oct. 23, 2020 (RNS) — In an exclusive interview with Religion News Service, President Trump said in a written statement that he no longer identifies asRead More
When Coons speaks to the Democratic National Convention on Thursday before Biden's speech accepting the party's presidential nomination, his remarks will focus on faith...
Biden friend Sen. Coons to elevate faith on convention stage

by: Paul O’Donnell (Elana Schor) Aug. 20, 2020 (AP) — Chris Coons is cut from the same cloth as Joe Biden in many ways: He occupies the same Senate seatRead More
“I feel great and have no symptoms,” Keller, 69, wrote on Facebook and other social media posts.
Prominent pastor and author Tim Keller has pancreatic cancer

by: Paul O’Donnell June 7, 2020 (RNS) — Timothy Keller, founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan and a bestselling author and church planter, announced on Sunday (June 7,) thatRead More