Politics and religion meet.
But most agree that President Donald Trump’s personal conduct is an issue.
American faith groups agree: Trump should act more presidential

by: Bob Smietana Oct. 22, 2019 (RNS) — Americans disagree over just about everything — from gender roles and immigration to impeachment to whether the country is on the rightRead More
He added: “They need to have a holistic agenda that addresses the variety of issues that are important to us, both as evangelicals and Hispanics.”
In a close 2020 election, could a Hispanic evangelical swing vote be key?

by: Jack Jenkins Oct. 24, 2019 (RNS) — When asked what it would take for candidates to court the Hispanic evangelical vote in 2020, the Rev. Gabriel Salguero, president ofRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Why Christian music’s biggest stars refuse to change their tune for the Trump era – CNN
It’s another sell-out crowd at Center Stage for Tauren Wells, one of the biggest stars in Christian contemporary music. The five-time Grammy nominee puts on a show that features plentyRead More
New book by Jim Wallis
RNS Opinion: How we can use the current crisis in politics and Christianity to reclaim Jesus

by: Jim Wallis Sept. 30, 2019 (RNS) — I remember a breakfast conversation with a member of Congress in Washington, DC, in 2017 about the relationship between faith and politics.Read More
So when news broke last month that Pence would speak at Taylor's upcoming commencement, reactions were mixed.
‘Who’s doing Christianity right?’ At Taylor University, Pence invitation highlights evangelical divide.

by: Emily McFarlan MillerUPLAND, Ind., May 2, 2019 (RNS) — Like most Americans, students at Taylor University have strong feelings about President Trump and his vice president, Mike Pence, asRead More