Second Sunday in June is Children's Day... June 9, 2019
Open letter to church leaders: Support Children’s Day
The poll, conducted by Greenberg Research, shows 71% disapprove of Trump's response to anti-Semitism.
Poll: American Jews feel threatened, blame Trump
In 2016, Catholics voted for Trump over Hillary Clinton by 50% to 46%.
Opinion: Trump’s emerging Catholic problem
The majority of foundational Jewish texts assert that a fetus does not attain the status of personhood until birth.
Opinion: There is more than one religious view on abortion – here’s what Jewish texts say
Parts of the pro-life community, however, were given a surprising opportunity to stand for life inside and outside of the womb.
It’s unfair to say Christians’ pro-life stance ends at birth
Interestingly enough, both sides call themselves pro-life, and both sides often seem frustrated with the other.
Pro-life laws are needed — but they are not enough
The argument behind these bills alleges that a heartbeat is a sign of life.
Opinion: Could draconian abortion bans reverse Roe — and unite Christians in opposition?
The most disappointing former pro-life Democrat, however, has been the senior senator from Pennsylvania, Bob Casey Jr.
Opinion: The (national) fall and (local) rise of pro-life Democrats
Jimmy Carter suffered a broken hip Monday as he was leaving to go turkey hunting.
Jimmy Carter to teach Sunday school days after breaking hip
It doesn't seem to be a high priority, and even those like Nadler who have spoken out about the oath don't seem to have firm views.