The cathedral is partnering with the Mount Sinai hospital network and Samaritan’s Purse...
Temporary hospital planned for New York’s St. John the Divine
—————————————- By Egan Millard Reprint permission Episcopal News Service Posted Apr 6, 2020 [Episcopal News Service] In New York City, the epicenter of the COVID-19 crisis in the United States, hospitalsRead More
A study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research of pastors at evangelical and historically black churches...
Vast majority of pastors see signs of end times in current events
by Aaron Earls NASHVILLE, April 7, 2020 (BP) — Almost 9 in 10 pastors see at least some current events matching those Jesus said would occur shortly before He returnsRead More
The novel coronavirus pandemic strikes at the heart of human behavior...
A conversation with Father James Martin: ‘Why did God let this happen?’
by: Bob SmietanaApril 6, 2020 (RNS) — It’s one of the oldest theological questions of the ages: How does an all-powerful God permit suffering? The novel coronavirus pandemic strikes atRead More
The majority of these people are not violent criminals...
Opinion: Immigrants in detention don’t deserve a death sentence
by: Paul O’Donnell (Alexia Salvatierra) April 4, 2020 (RNS) — Early Sunday morning, a federal court judge ordered immigration authorities to begin to release children in detention to protect themRead More
In a national survey of regular churchgoers released last week, 12% reported that in-person services are still going on at their houses of worship.
Opinion: How the war on Christmas became the war on Easter
by: Paul O’Donnell (Shane Claiborne) April 4, 2020 (RNS) — As states issue stay-at-home orders and bar gatherings, some evangelical Christians — those who believe they are a persecuted minorityRead More