“With broken hearts, we are making an earnest plea that you use your voice and profound influence to call for an end to the hostilities and war in Ukraine and intervene...”
US Christian leaders ask Kirill to speak out, ‘reconsider’ comments on Ukraine

by: Jack Jenkins WASHINGTON, March 11, 2022 (RNS) — More than 100 U.S. Christian leaders, including the leaders of multiple denominations, sent a letter to the head of the RussianRead More
The (Faith Communities Today) survey, fielded just before the coronavirus lockdown, finds that half of the country’s estimated 350,000 religious congregations had 65 or fewer people in attendance on any given weekend.
Study: Attendance hemorrhaging at small and midsize US congregations

by: Yonat Shimron Oct.14, 2021 (RNS) — A new survey of 15,278 religious congregations across the United States confirms trends sociologists have documented for several decades: Congregational life across theRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Greg Zanis, ‘The Cross Man,’ was a carpenter trying to emulate the one in the bible – Chicago Sun-Times
There are some people that once exposed to the bright light of their spirit, you never forget them. Greg Zanis, “The Cross Man,” who died of bladder cancer Monday, wasRead More