The (Faith Communities Today) survey, fielded just before the coronavirus lockdown, finds that half of the country’s estimated 350,000 religious congregations had 65 or fewer people in attendance on any given weekend.
Study: Attendance hemorrhaging at small and midsize US congregations

by: Yonat Shimron Oct.14, 2021 (RNS) — A new survey of 15,278 religious congregations across the United States confirms trends sociologists have documented for several decades: Congregational life across theRead More
The June retreat focused on the benefits of Christian retreats...
Salam’s Retreats; Spiritual Growth and Lasting Memories

Kingston, Ill., June 14, 2021 — After the COVID-19 epidemic receded, the leaders at Salam Christian Fellowship decided to hold a monthly retreat through the months of spring, summer, andRead More
Ramadan is an opportunity for Christians as well, especially evangelicals...
Opinion: How evangelicals can support Muslims this Ramadan

by: Kevin SingerMay 7, 2019 (RNS) — Sunday (May 5) marked the beginning of Ramadan, the most important month of the calendar for Muslims. During daylight hours, observant Muslims willRead More
But researchers say that anti-Muslim attitudes is influenced by a host of factors...
Anti-Muslim hate is driven by politics, not faith — and it’s preventable, study suggests

by: Aysha KhanMay 1, 2019 (RNS) — Americans who personally know a Muslim are more than twice as likely to have a favorable opinion toward Muslims than those who doRead More