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“This is a result of the lies that have been spread about President Trump and many of his supporters”...
Catholic leaders, progressive and conservative, condemn the violence at the Capitol

By Claire Giangravé VATICAN CITY, Jan. 7, 2021 (RNS) — Progressive and conservative Catholic leaders condemned the storming of the Capitol, calling the mob’s actions Wednesday (Jan. 6) “sinful” andRead More
Configured in a cross shape, the array is visible from 20,000 feet above...
Mundelein Seminary activates sun-powered cross

MUNDELEIN, Ill., Dec. 18, 2020 — The University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary is activating a new solar array facility that will eventually provide more than 20 percentRead More
“Our tutors and students have made the best of a very difficult situation...”
Pandemic Pivoting: Dominican Literacy Center adapts

AURORA, Ill., Jan. 2, 2021 — “’A’” is for adaptation.” That’s how Dominican Sister Kathleen Ryan, OP, summed up the Dominican Literacy Center’s response to the pandemic. Sr. Ryan, founderRead More
“The gift is completely free, unearned by any of us, pure grace.”
Pope Francis: “Tonight (Christmas eve) cannot be explained in any other way: it is purely grace.”

Pope Francis: Nativity of the Lord – Midnight Mass 24.12.2020“ Pope Francis 24.12.20 Midnight Mass, Vatican Basilica Solemnity of the Nativity of the LordIsaiah 9: 1-6, TitusRead More
The pandemic's repercussions on life dominated Francis' reflections on the past year.
Pope on Christmas: Vaccines for all; needy, vulnerable first

by: Paul O’Donnell (Frances D’Emilio) VATICAN CITY, Dec. 25, 2020 (AP) — Pope Francis made a Christmas Day plea for authorities to make COVID-19 vaccines available to all, insisting thatRead More
Biden’s rhetoric took a turn for the spiritual near the close of his speech...
Biden laces Electoral College victory speech with Scripture and Prayer of St. Francis

by: Jack Jenkins WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2020 (RNS) — President-elect Joe Biden marked his Electoral College win with a religious flair, citing Scripture and the Prayer of St. Francis duringRead More
Long a staple of Catholic life, the rosary is back in the spotlight with the election of Joe Biden...
Like Joe Biden, many Catholics find the rosary to be a comfort and anchor in crisis

by: Bob Smietana Nov 23, 2020 (RNS) — After a series of health crises and the loss of her father, religion professor Arlene Sanchez-Walsh found herself in need of prayer. SoRead More
An Irish Catholic educated by nuns in parochial schools...
Joe Biden, president-elect at last, was shaped by a very American Catholic faith

by: Jack Jenkins A version of this article originally ran in August 2020. It has been updated to reflect that Biden is now the president-elect. WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. 2020 (RNS)Read More