Day: August 28, 2021
His firing comes at a time when Americans face a new surge of COVID-19 infections...
NRB spokesman Dan Darling fired after pro-vaccine statements on ‘Morning Joe’

by: Bob Smietana August 27, 2021 (RNS) — The spokesman for a major evangelical nonprofit was fired for promoting vaccines on the MSNBC “Morning Joe” cable news show, Religion NewsRead More
“We are heartbroken by the bloodshed at the Kabul airport...”
World Relief Grieves the Loss of Life at Kabul Airport and Urges Biden Administration to Ensure Continued Safe Evacuation of Vulnerable Afghans, U.S. Citizens and Green Card Holders

BALTIMORE, August 26, 2021 — Today, August 26, a series of terrorist attacks near Kabul’s airport took the lives of over 60 Afghans and 12 U.S. troops. These attacks wereRead More