Day: July 12, 2020
The idea is that the government should not impose on religious institutions in matters of faith and doctrine.
Supreme Court broadens scope of ministerial exception

by: Yonat Shimron July 8, 2020 (RNS) — The Supreme Court has ruled that religious school teachers who perform a religious role, even if they are not ordained, and evenRead More
In their letter, [Russell] Moore and the other EIT members asked Trump to urge leaders in Congress "publicly and consistently" to adopt a measure that establishes a pathway for Dreamers...
Moore, others ask Trump not to rescind DACA

by Tom Strode WASHINGTON, July 9, 2020 (BP) — Southern Baptist ethicist Russell Moore and other evangelical Christian leaders have asked President Trump to hold off on another effort toRead More
But according to a new report released Friday (July 10) from two Christian groups, the president is falling short of that goal when it comes to Christian refugees.
Evangelical, Catholic leaders say Trump has left persecuted Christians in danger

by: Jack Jenkins July 10, 2020 (RNS) — For years, Donald Trump and administration officials have championed protecting religious freedom abroad — including for Christians persecuted for their faith —Read More