Day: May 27, 2020
Why did Darwish fail so miserably in one of the most densely populated Arab congressional districts in the state?
Hesham Shehab: Palestinian-American Congressional Candidate Loses Big in Illinois’ ‘Little Palestine’ District

By Hesham Shehab Palestinian-American Rashad “Rush” Darwish was the first Muslim Palestinian to run for elected office in Illinois’ 3rd congressional district, an area comprising Chicago’s southern suburbs and “LittleRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Immigrants with COVID-19 may hesitate to go to hospitals – Chicago Sun-Times
Holy Cross nurse has advice for homebound sufferers facing ‘a beast nobody can control.’ Read Neil Steinberg’s column in the Chicago Sun-Times: Immigrants with COVID-19 may hesitate to go toRead More
A timely video commentary.
John H. Armstrong: “Doctrine Divides, Love Unites . . . Really?” (video)