Day: March 28, 2020
The Urbi et Orbi, meaning to the city and the world, is a blessing usually delivered by the Roman pontiff at Christmas and Easter.
Pope Francis says ‘We are all in the same boat,’ during Urbi et Orbi ceremony
by: Claire Giangravé VATICAN CITY, March 27, 2020 (RNS) — As the world grapples with the spread of the coronavirus, Pope Francis delivered a homily of hope on Friday (MarchRead More
Christian leaders are starting to ask: Is Communion appropriate for cyberspace?
As coronavirus keeps parishioners homebound, Christian clergy debate online Communion
by: Jack Jenkins March 27, 2020 (RNS) — As Christian churches cancel in-person services to avoid contracting or spreading the novel coronavirus, many have rushed to embrace “virtual” Communion: SomeRead More